Well craeonics has finally wrapped up issue #12 for Tek along with (2) more new articles by Kenray and (1) more new interview with Mormegil to go along with some fresh bunnies, so go have a read when your time permits at:
Table of Contents:
Follow-up Interview with Xymantix: not often do you find a dev that's a skinner
Skinning on the Edge: SkinEdge's the new skin site in town. Can it compete with the establishment?
Notes on Corporate Logo Design: some pointers so you can avoid being sucked dry by your ‘clients’
Xerraire — the Talkative One: artist and admin of her own skin site, Xerraire is multi-talented
n05feratu — Art that Hurts to Look at: a tale of how working with kids can mess you up
Sell your Skin: you know you want to, but how can you set it up?
Foood for Thought: Aqua icons. Ken loves 'em, Foood makes 'em
Mormegil — Man or Icon: One of the most productive iconists around tell us his secrets