Well Brad you know me by now I usually just speak my mind no matter how stupid or off topic or outragious it may seem to others but that is just me...
As long as I have been around the so called skinning community "I" have never been censored
(even though I probably deserved it a few times)
"my opinion" of you censoring that other thread tonight was that I felt it not necessary "he" did not really say anything worth being exiled or censored he simply stated an opinion and to actually go as far as deleting all the other comments of everyone elses along w/ it to make it take a form and shape it was not going to take if it had been left alone to go it's own path, seems weird to me, I don't feel comfortable even posting this cuz if you don't appreciate what even I have to say, you may just delete my thread???
Yes I know it is your site but must the members feel uneasy to express themselves or find their comments on your msg board deleted?