Published on August 19, 2001 By Doreen In WinCustomize Talk
Well Brad you know me by now I usually just speak my mind no matter how stupid or off topic or outragious it may seem to others but that is just me...
As long as I have been around the so called skinning community "I" have never been censored
(even though I probably deserved it a few times)

"my opinion" of you censoring that other thread tonight was that I felt it not necessary "he" did not really say anything worth being exiled or censored he simply stated an opinion and to actually go as far as deleting all the other comments of everyone elses along w/ it to make it take a form and shape it was not going to take if it had been left alone to go it's own path, seems weird to me, I don't feel comfortable even posting this cuz if you don't appreciate what even I have to say, you may just delete my thread???

Yes I know it is your site but must the members feel uneasy to express themselves or find their comments on your msg board deleted?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 19, 2001
I missed the fun but heard what happened.

What would happen if everyone just started logging on fakes to stir up controversy? Would that be a good thing? I say NO.
on Aug 19, 2001
No I'm not saying that, but if ppl are afraid to post as themselves to express themselves you can bet more and more ppl "will" be taking on fake names here at and that is not the goal right? ppl should be able to be themselves.
I believe that Tom Cruise posted as that cuz he was "afraid to post as himself"...

and he did not post anything bad, he just stated an opinion and apparently was afraid to post under his true name,
oh well, I don't know I just am stating a feeling, nothing more... you can delete it if you wish Brad...
on Aug 19, 2001
I agree. I can't believe that almost the entire thread was deleted because of an opinion of one user. Tis sad times we live in.
on Aug 19, 2001
We don't delete posts arbitrarily or simply because we don't agree with someone. Otherwise we'd have wiped out quite a number of posts.

What we don't like, and I speak generally here as I've spoken at length to other message board admins over the years over this delicate issue is what is called user spoofing.

That is where someone creates a new persona (a fake user) in order to post inflammatory remarks without the baggage of it affecting the person's "real" reputation. When I'm getting beat up for whatever triviality of the day on this message board is, I could easly just create a half dozen new personas and bash back. But instead, I take my beating and try to pose a reasoned response as "Frogboy", a handle I've invested some years of work into.

The second issue that message board admins hate dealing with are people who purposely derail a topic.

If "Tom Cruise", for instance, had posted a question as a new topic, we would have ignored the fact he's a fake user. But when he also hijacked a Litestep question and turned it into yet another "let's bash WinCustomize" thread, that exceeded our threshold of pain.

A "real" user might get a moderator warning for hijacking a thread, but a fake user is already on thin ice to begin with.

And frankly, we are tired of getting bashed. We honeslty wish that the users who think that we're a bad site or whatever would take their energies elsewhere. There's nothing particularly enjoyable about reading the message board on a Saturday evening between compiles reading a bunch of flames over what amounts to trivialities and false accusations. I particularly get annoyed reading flames trying to claim that WinCustomize is some sort of high minded business venture. It's a labor of love that we're TRYING to keep from harming our jobs.

Some people want a Hoverdesk section? Okay, maybe we should have a vote and then have a vote over which Stardock employee we should lay off due to increased site costs ("theme" sections like HVD/DX/Talisman/etc. use more bandwidth than skin sections) and the loss in sales. Maybe we could put pictures of perspective employees to lay off and how many kids they have. Sorry folks, but if the decision is between satisfying whiney users (not you Doreen) championing some mystical "Community" and protecting the jobs of real people with families, guess which I'm going to choose?

So ultimately, those users (again, not your Doreen) who think that we're evil or whatever should just go somewhere else. Instead of trying to force their view on the world on us, they should get off their rear ends and build something themselves. I think some people forget that the reason this site exists to begin with is because "The community" was losing major skin sites at a rapid pace and skin authors (like me, as some people keep forgetting, I've been actively creating UIs since 1995) need a place to upload their stuff that they can count on. The best thing those people can do is go create a new skin site and quit trying to shove their views down our throats. We have our own ideas on how skin sites should be done.

Anyway, in what cases would we censor?

1) Excessive profanity
2) Personal attacks (we won't let outright flame wars stay)

The "Tom Cruise" issue was a special case. Now, on a NORMAL message board it's considered extremely uncool to logon fake users to grind their axe. When they're caught, they're usually banned (check out ezboards, delphi boards, moderated Usenet, etc.). If they then create ANOTHER fake user, logon and continue then we have to escalate things.

Someone asked a question about Litestep. Fake user Tom Cruise comes in and hijacks the thread turning it into a "bash WinCustomize" thread. We exile Tom Cruise but we LEAVE the posts there (i.e. no censorship yet). Tom Cruise creates new account, jumps on and continues. We escalate it up and delete the off topic posts in that thread.

If TomCruise had created his own topic, we would have let it stay. Wrecking someone else's is problematic.
on Aug 19, 2001
Purrrr... BS!
on Aug 19, 2001
Brad, I think you should take another vacation, and not worry your self about what others think.
on Aug 19, 2001
at slashdot he would have gotten moderated down to a -1, and no-one ever would have known... pretty machiavellian, in some respects. many sites outright ban peoples' ip.
on Aug 19, 2001
On Kur5hin they would have probably IP banned him. They don't go for that crap on Ars Technica either. It aint cool to crap on the host if you're a spoofer. Particularly if you're doing your crapping in somebody elses thread. The very fact that it's causing a ruckus shows how screwed up the so called "community" is. Folks, this [[SHOULD]] be a no-brainer here.
on Aug 19, 2001
Tandis, did you even see the comment that started this whole thing? It was nothing. A mere opinion. It wasn't a flame or a "hijack" as Frogboy calls it. Nobody was "crapped" on. That's the real issue here. That's why people are upset. When some moron comes on and starts a thread asking for a serial number to DesktopX, thats worthy of banishment. But when a user makes one comment saying that Wincutsomize wouldn't tolerate a competeing app being listed here is not worthy of banishment. I would tell you to go back and read the thread again, but it's been censored, so I can't do that. All in all, this sucks.
on Aug 19, 2001
fake users suck. if you don't got the balls to say what you think as you are, then you shouldn't post.
on Aug 19, 2001
If you have to worry about getting a real username with skins attached exiled by vindictive admins for saying something they don't like, I'd say they are the ones with no balls. . . not that this has happened, but a fake user is insurance concerning that.
on Aug 19, 2001
Ah guilty before proven innocent. I see.
on Aug 19, 2001
No, posting anonymously is understandable in the present context. Anonymous voting exists because nobody wants to pay the concequences of not being the same opinion as somebody else.
Think about this, what if TomCruise was Jafo, or Migellito for exemple (No, I know it wasn't, but just for the sake of argument). What if he would have posted that comment under his real identity? Now the consequences could have been really bad for him, therefore justifying having to use a pseudonym to express his views.
Of course, a website is a private property, and its owners have the right to promote or ban anybody they want. So I am really just rasing my hand in Doreen's camp, although I very well know it doesn't count.
on Aug 19, 2001
I have to agree with Doreen too. I know that using an alias isn't too ethical, and you have every right to ban whoever you want for saying whatever you don't like..

But that's just it. You can say what you like, but it smells like he was banned because he said something Wincusto didn't like. That seems like censorship, and I can't be the only one who doesn't like it.

If you're looking to cut bandwidth costs, censorship could be your solution. If you openly begin to censor, then people will openly move to another site.

on Aug 19, 2001
Grog makes the long trek to the top of the stairs.
Grog tries to remember his name.

Lurker Mode: OFF

Sarcasm Mode: ON

Happy Birthday!!!! Has this site really been online for 6 months now, and approaching middle age it seems like just yesterday all of this was hashed out in long long threads. Since I just won the Power Ball Lottery (or at least I did two minutes before I woke up this morning), I will be opening up my own skinning site with every skin every made and every program represented even the ones that NO One makes skins for. I’ll have a WinDVD section and a Copernic section. Hell I’ll even have a ICQPlus section just for giggles, and let every Photo Skin in and Moderate nothing. What do I care I just won 50 Billion dollars, I can squander as much bandwidth as I want, hell I’ll make the site entirely Flash and have links to Mirror sites each optimized for a different browser. I’ll have the mother of all message boards, I’ll even pay some high school kid to write Bots to keep threads going even when they should have died on their own.

Sarcasm Mode: OFF

Opinion Mode: ON

Personnel Opinion, if there are 50 distinct people who post REGUARLY on this board I’ll be surprised, and not one of them has ever been Exiled for speaking an Opinion, and there have been a lot of Opinions. All four corners of the globe are represented here, just in that 50, and are all here for one reason, the LOVE of skins. Never has anyone been Exiled for asking about ANY skinning program, and HELP has been given EVERY time that it has been asked. Each person here has a favorite program and believes that it is the best on the planet and that the rest of us are nuts for not loving it. That all being said, there are lots of skin sites around, no the one size fits all smorgasbord of has left us and will never be back and it’s loss will be felt for a long time to come. So if you don’t like this House that Brad, Alex, and T-Man built no one is stopping anyone at Gun point from checking out two sites at once or three or four.

I will support this site with my wallet every time, why because the last thing I want to see is this house fall like Skinz did. I would have supported Skinz the same way if there had been a chance, but that is a different thread. I bought the WinCusto CD, I will buy a T-Shirt, I will buy a Coffee Mug, heck I’ll even buy one for Crae if he wants one, and if they use Alex’s Lizard Logo I’ll buy an Izod.

That all being said, having a second handle or a third as a running joke I don’t think that a single word would have been said since everyone would have know it was a joke, not to mention that everyone would probably know who it was. Having a second handle for no other purpose than causing hate and discontent is just plain childish and chicken, like I said at the start NO ONE has ever been exiled for saying what they thought in public. So that is my 2 cents and how I feel, please feel free to flame me if you so desire, my E-Mail is in my profile, and it is real, as is my Name if I can ever remember what it is.

Opinion Mode: OFF

Lurker Mode: ON

Grog goes back to the basement, coffee must get coffee……
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